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GPP Results

Members Clinton Sanders official Sanders all TotalsSanders Percentages
Old 71 228 232 299 76,25%
New 43 214 214 257 83,27%
Total 114 442 446 556 79,50%
46% new members
i.e. with ballots to be validated

Unofficial results of the Democrats Abroad Global Presidential Primary in Berlin. These are only the results for those who visited the polling station in the “Red Restaurant”. Bernie Sanders got about 80 % of the over 550 votes cast. I have no idea of how many write-in ballots were cast.

As there were a few ballots that still need to be validated as there were some errors and I am not authorized to give any official results, I shall not give any exact numbers.

I thought the results would be close and judging by a few results I’d heard from other Democrats Abroad polling stations, I figured Sander would win a majority, but Berlin’s result is a landslide.

The turnout by old members was not particularly high, but a lot of new members had joined (about 45 %). They contributed slightly more to Sander’s result by about 7 percentage points more as compared to old members.

There were about a dozen invalid ballots. Usually they were invalid because the voters simply didn’t read and follow the instruction on what required information had to be entered. We were able to contact most of them so that they still could vote again correctly by write-in ballot by Tuesday. All these invalid ballots had Sanders as the selected candidate.

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