Thank you for the tribute to the lassies.
Now I respond with tribute to two laddies.
This one's exceptional for just this year:
These two lads endeavoured an advance of their careers.
These two wanted to be U.S. president.
Plus they both—believe or not—were of Scotch-Irish descent.
The first I mention ran in vain;
He is known as Senator McCain.
His lineage traces back to medieval Scottish kings;
But one ancestor was poor—didn't have a thing.
He was soooo poor,
– How poor was he? –
Had to sell the letter 'a'—from the prefix of MacCain.
Then he sailed to far America to start his life again.
Crossing the ocean impressed him so very;
That he and sons thereafter served the Navy.
John McCain ‘twas then who entered politics.
He soon was known to be a maverick.
Then the presidential job is what he aspired;
Two attempts he took—he did not tire.
Was running strong, but then was joined by Sarah Palin.
His campaign then started failing.
The election lost, he bowed out gracefully;
And returned to the Senate with dignity.
Lad number two: he's from the clan of the O'Bamas.
Irish they were—working the land as potato farmers.
The potato famine was a horrid sting.
O'Bama was poor and starved—didn't have a thing.
He was soooo poor,
– How poor was he? –
Had to sell th' apostrophe—from the prefix of O'Bama.
Thus all he got was a boat to Africa.
There he got himself acclimated;
In Kenya where he was situated.
But realizing the dream of his father;
A descendant later wanted to go farther.
Went to study at the University of Hawaii.
There he met an Irish lass—then they were three.
Young Barack was a bright young lad and travelled 'round,
Studied law, then settled in Chicago town.
Entered politics as community organizer.
And then gained fame as quite fast riser.
With the help of his dear wife Michelle
The run for Senate went quite well.
Then he had the audacity of hope
When he took the presidency in his scope.
And his slogan "Yes we can"
Made millions trust this man.
Wanted change they could believe in.
They then voted for Obama so he'd win.
Thus we toast him and do wish God speed;
For his tenure and good deeds.