My Hometown
Relatives and Friends
- Scottish Dancing
- Publishing cartoons on toonpool; click on the toonpool logo for others' cartoons.
- Contributing to Wikipedia
- Running (currently updated for only till 2014)
- 25 km 1982, 1983, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1990, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 5x5 relay,
2011-my 20th run!,
2013 5x5 relay,
2015 5x5 relay with an rbb-online report including a picture of me at the starting line (see if you can actually locate me).
- Berlin Marathon (select the year and enter my name)
2014 (see also my own report),
2015 Inline skating,
2017 Inline skating
- Half-Marathon 2000, 2001, 2008 (select the year and enter my name)
- Potsdam Schlössermarathon, 2005,
2010 (half-marathon),
2014 (half-marathon),
2015 (half-marathon)
- Berlin Läuft 10 km 2009,
2013 (2x5 relay),
2014 (2x5 relay),
- Berlin Bewag City-Nacht run 2004 (select the year and enter my name)
- Airportrun Berlin-Schönefeld
2011 10km,
2013 half-marathon
- Berliner TÜV Rheinland Airfield Run, Marathon-Staffel 2013, 2014, 2015 (Halbmarathonstaffel) (select the year and enter my company CLS 4-text under Verein). Picture of me 2013
- rbb Lauf Drittelmarathon,
- B2RUN 5.7 km 2014 together with Gerald Kaden for Herta team,
- Manistee Firecracker 5K race 2012, look for Finisher No.125
- Look for David, Anita, and me at the 2002 Ludington Lakestride 5K race.
- Overview of races by Athlinks: Claimed races, yet Unclaimed races
- Grilling: Burger King Whopper Grillmeister 2005
Screenshot of BK's webpage that is no longer online. But I did win that Webber grill.
On the church council of the American Church in Berlin and Treasurer '05-'08, '10-'12, and '19-'23
Team leader for Laib und Seele, 5 Years Laib und Seele |
JFKS Alumni Association for class of '77 |
Treasurer on the Executive Committee Americans Voices Abroad since 2003, Anti-war demonstation in 2003, Voter registration coordinator since 2006 |
Member of the Democrats Abroad Berlin since 2004, Voter registration 2006-2016, Democrats Abroad Germany At-Large Coordinator for GOTV (Get Out The Vote) 2015-2017 |
Member of the Social Democratic Party ("Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschland") in the Seenplatte department since May 2005.
o Campaigning with the berlin|team in 2005.
o Ran for a seat in the Steglitz-Zehlendorf district parliment in 2006, Sept. 2011, Sept. 2016, Februar 2023
Letters to the Editor / Editorials
2018-2020 To be updated soon.
- DER SPIEGEL Leserbrief
Heft 48/2016,
Betr: "Obamas Erbe"
, in Heft 47/2016
- DER SPIEGEL Leserbrief Heft 48/2016, Betr: "Obamas Erbe", in Heft 47/2016
- Letter to the Editor, TIME Magazine Europe, 7 November 2016, Re.:"The Truth Is Out There in 2016. Way Out There.", 17 November 2016
- Tagesspiegel Leserbrief, 12.6.2016, Betr.:"Schwer vermittelbar" - Hillary Clinton,
6. Juni 2016
- "Vor lauter Facebook-Likes und Online-Petitionen vergessen die Wähler, was ihre Stimmabgabe bedeutet", online redaktioneller Kommentar in Causa Tagesspiegel, 14. März 2016.
Text auch von der SPD Seenplatte veröffentlicht. (Original eingereichter Text)
- Letter to the Editor, TIME Magazine Europe, 14 March 2016, Re.:"Hillary Clinton – Do you see her now", 15 February 2016
- Letter to the Editor, TIME Magazine Europe, 9 November 2015, Re.:"Special Report Exodus", 19 October 2015 (complete original letter)
- Letter to the Editor, TIME Magazine Europe, 6 July 2015, Re.:"Out in Africa" 15 June 2015 (complete original letter)
- DER SPIEGEL Leserbrief Heft 25/2015, Betr: "Terror im Kopf", in Heft 24/2015, (ungekürzter Originalbrief)
- Cartoon to the Editor in ExBerliner, Feb. 2015
- Letter to the Editor, TIME Magazine Europe, 16 Feb. 2015, Re.:"After Paris – Lessons from the Attacks" 26 Jan. 2015 (complete original letter)
- Letter to the Editor, TIME Magazine Europe, 24.11.2014, Re.:"The Reinventions of Rand Paul (The Most Interesting Man in American Politics)" 27.10.2014
- Tagesspiegel Leserbrief, 19.10.2014, Betr.:"Hoch, höher, Berlin" "„Hardenberg“ am Bahnhof Zoo – So soll Berlins größtes Hochhaus aussehen", 14.10.2014
- Tagesspiegel Leserbrief, 3.8.2014, Betr.:"Wann wird aus Kritik an Israel Antisemitismus?" Einleitung Teil 1,
Teil 2, 16.7.2014
- Tagesspiegel Leserbrief Titel Leserbriefe, 20.7.2014, Betr.:"Gaucho-Tanz der Weltmeister", 16.7.2014
- Letter to the Editor, TIME Magazine Europe, 16.6.2014, Re.:Marie Le Pen's"Plan of Attack" 26.5.2014
- Letter to the Editor, TIME Magazine Europe, 7.4.2014, Re.:"Putin's Gamble" (as complete text file) 17.3.2014
- DER SPIEGEL Leserbrief Heft 42/2013, Betr: "FDP – Ende einer Dienstfahrt", in , Heft 40/2013
- Letter to the Editor, TIME Magazine Europe (scanned version), 19.8.2013, Re.:"The Power of the Bilingual Brain" (as complete PDF file) 29.7.2013
- DER SPIEGEL Leserbrief Heft 24/2013, Betr: "Befehl von oben - Der Skandal um die "Euro Hawk"-Drohne", in Heft 22/2013
- Comment on NPR Berlin article "Currywurst And The Expat Hype At English Theater Berlin", March 13, 2013
- DER SPIEGEL Leserbrief Heft 51/2012, Betr: "Die entführte Königin - Wem gehört Nofretete", in Heft 49/2012
- DER SPIEGEL Leserbrief Heft 45/2011, Betr: "Schlaflosigkeit - Wenn die Nacht zum Albtraum wird", Heft 44/2011
- Tagesspiegel Leserbrief, 05.11.2011, Betr.:"Griechenland schockt Europa / Wer hat Angst vor seinem Volk", 2.und 3.11.2011
- DER SPIEGEL Leserbrief Nr. 20/2011, Betr: "Codename Geronimo - Die geheime Jagd auf Osama Bin Laden", erschienen in Heft 19/2011
- Tagesspiegel Leserbrief, 30.04.2011, Betr.:"Innerparteiliches Hickhack (Parteiausschlussverfahren von Sarrazin)"
- DER SPIEGEL Leserbrief Heft 13/2011, Betr: "Fukushima - was wirklich geschah", Heft 12/2011
- Letter to the Editor, TIME Magazine Europe (not USA), March 28th 2011, Re.:"How Germany Became the China of Europe" [March 7]
- Tagesspiegel Leserbrief, 20.11.2010, Betr.:"Zur Debatte über Tempo 30 in Berlin"
- DER SPIEGEL Leserbrief Nr. 45/2010, Betr: Die verzweifelten Staaten in Amerika, Heft 44/2010
- Tagesspiegel Leserbrief, 25.09.2010 (my best birthday present), Betr.:"Mehr Fluch als Lärm (Flugrouten für den neuen Flughafen BBI)"
- Letter to the Editor, TIME Magazine USA, TIME Magazine Europe, April 29th 2010, Re.:"America, the Doctor Will See You Now"
- Tagesspiegel Leserbrief, 22.11.2009, Betr.:"Tegel wird Industriepark"
- Letter to the Editor, TIME Magazine, Sept. 14th 2009, Re.:"Nazi-saluting Gnome"
- Berliner Morgenpost Leserbrief v. 6.9.2008, Betr.:"Zwei Stunden mit Madonna" vom 29. August (Konzert, das wir besucht haben)
- DER SPIEGEL Leserbrief Nr. 19/2008, Betr: "Demokratie: Die Bürger entdecken den Volksentscheid", erschienen in der Ausgabe Nr.17/2008
- DER SPIEGEL Leserbrief Nr. 8/2008, Betr: Titel: Der Messias-Faktor - Barak Obama und die Sehnsucht nach einem neuen Amerika, erschienen in der Ausgabe Nr. 7/2008
- DER SPIEGEL Leserbrief Nr. 27/2007, Betr: Titel: Die Heilkraft der Einbildung, erschienen in der Ausgabe Nr.26/2007
- Letter to the Editor, TIME Magazine, Feb. 1st and 6th 2007, Re."Has China got what its takes?" U.S. edition, European edition, my original complete letter
Letter also from my friend Chris McLarren on JFK
- Berliner Morgenpost Leserbrief v. 24.9.2005, Betr.: Weltkonzern Samsung, Zum Artikel "Großunternehmen bauen in Berlin Personal ab" vom 23. September
- DER SPIEGEL Leserbrief Nr. 36/2005, Betr: Titel: Der Untergang von New Orleans, erschienen in der Ausgabe Nr.37/2005
- Letters to DER SPIEGEL - English translation of the above
Germans (sic) Readers Weigh in on Hurricane Katrina English online edition, Sept. 12, 2005
I didn't like their translation. Here is my own.
- Letter to the Editor TIME Magazine, Sept. 6th 2004, Re.: John Kerry
Otherwise In the Media at 56:00 Summary at
- Look for my hand holding a small U.S. flag in the rbb video on this page about the celebration of Kennedy's 100th birthday celebrated in front of the Schöneberger Rathaus in May 2017. newest
- Interviewed by Das B - Like Berlin at Bahnhof Zoo about "Die schönsten und schrecklichsten Momente in der Berliner S-Bahn", 21 September 2016. I'm in the initial picture and then again at 0:30 and 1:15. newest
- Interviewed by fluter - Magazin der Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung about Trump, 25.05.2016
- Question of mine answered by Tagesspiegel's cartoonist Klaus Stuttmann after a panel discussion and cartoon drawing presentation in December 2015
- Picture of me charging forward for my CLS 4Text team at the 2013 Berliner Marathon-Staffel
- I've even been translated by Linguee
- Article and picture (no.2) about Laib&Seele in Help! Volunteering in Berlin in EXERLINER, March 2013
- See various press reports on the 2012 Voter Registration and General Elections page.
- Quoted by the New York Times at the tenth anniversary memorial of 9/11 held at the Brandenburg Gate. National Public Radio picked up this story as well, 11 Sept. 2011. Also Seattle Times, EthioSomali and other newspapers around the world. It was organized by the Interreligious initiative: Religions on the Path of Peace with the call translated by me. newest
- John Rosenthal, a blogger from Pajamas Media, got upset because I edited some things about his comments on the movie "The Ghost Writer" on Wikipedia, July 2010. Be sure to scroll down to my rebutting comments at nos. 41 and 43.
- Moderating for the premiere of the movie "Most Dangerous Man in America" during the One World Berlin Filmfestival, 2 Dec.2009
- See various press reports on the 2008 Voter registration page.
- Lokalnachrichten article about the new van for the American Church in Berlin, page 4, June 2008.
- Democrats Abroad Global Primaries, 5+9 Feb. 2008:
ZDF.Heute, Edie and I both mentioned, Ruthy also in video.
SPIEGEL online, Ruthy and I also in video.
WELT online, Edie, Ruthy, and I in video.
Tagesspiegel video
Pictures of the voting center
- TAZ article "Hillary hat's in Berlin schwer" on Democrats Abroad in Berlin and the '08 primaries, 10.01.08 (They made me ten years older though)
- Ausflugtip: Insel vor der Insel - Die Enklave Steinstücken
Artikel in der Berliner Morgenpost vom 3.12.2005 in dem mein Haus erwähnt wird.
- I was a moderator at the Berlin International Women's Club International Charity Fest, 23 October 2005. pictures
- Concert review about Steve Eulberg written for JFK alumni newsletter that his Owl Mountain music published then in turn.
- Interview for radio show on DeutschlandRadio aired Oct. 28th 2004
- Jede Stimme zählt - Amerikaner in Deutschland vor der US-Wahl.
Same as above on the journalist's own web site. More text, some pictures too, and sound clips also available.
- Reference to me in the Ludington Daily News articles about the play "It's a Scream": "'It's a Scream' continues at the Ramsdell Theatre" of 29 Oct. 2003 and
"'It's a Scream': A wholesome horror-comedy'" of 30 Oct. 2003
- Reference to me at the Michigan State University Library on an article about me in the Manistee News Advocate, July 30, 2003. You'll have to search for my name on the long page.
- Reference to me on page 2, right column of the The Berlin Observer, 20.1.1984, along with my cartoons. NEW
My Employer
Publications I have subscribtions to
and favorite radio stations
Favorite Comics / Funny Stuff
Other world-famous Alan Bensons
Portals / Search engines I use
References and links
I herewith expressly declare that at the time of setting the links no illegal contents were known to be on the linked pages. I have no influence whatsoever on the design, the contents, or the copyright of the linked pages. I distance myself from all contents of the linked pages that have been changed after the link was set. The owner of the respective linked-to page is solely liable for illegal, faulty, or incomplete contents.
In other words:
If I didn't do it, it ain't my fault!