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D 'n' A

8 x 32 bar reel, 4 couple set

May 2006

For David & Annie's wedding July 22nd, 2006

Description Figure
(not animated)
Dancing solo
1-4 1st lady casts behind 2nd lady to middle of dance followed by 1st man who stops between 2nd and 3rd ladies.

1st man circle left with 2nd and 3rd couples while 1st lady dances solo in the middle.

9-16 1st man casts back up, all the way around second couple to middle of dance, followed by 1st lady who stops between 2nd and 3rd men.

1st lady circle left with 2nd and 3rd couples while 1st man dances solo in the middle.


1st couple turns right hand (swing) 1½ times to own side.

The merging of the deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) strands*
25-32 Couples 2, 1, and 3 down the middle and up.
1st couple ready to dance the dance again.
* The cytosine (C), adenine (A(nnie)), and guanine (G) on the ladies' side pair up with the guanine (G), thymine (T(avid)), and cytosine (C) on the men's side, thus ensuring reproduction.