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The E 'n' A

8 x 32 bar reel, 4 couple set

February 2005

Written for our wedding, March 1st, 2005

Searching for and finding a partner
1-6 1st lady and 2nd couple reel of three across the set.
1st lady begins by crossing between 2nd couple.
7-8 1st lady and 2nd man cross right hand to stand next to partner.
9-12 1st and 2nd couples advance and retire.
13-14 1st and 2nd couples set.
15-16 1st man swings his 1st lady in front of him while 2nd lady swings her 2nd man in front of her.
The relationship box ("Beziehungskiste")
17-24 1st and 2nd couples pousette.
Wedding ring(s)
25-32 1st and 2nd couples circle left and right.

1st couple can dance three times through.